A.S. Papadimitriou & Partners
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Diorama Investments II RAIF, SCA


We have acted as legal advisors of the Hellenic Development Bank of Investments in relation to its participation, as an institutional investor, to Diorama Investments II RAIF, S.C.A. a Generalist Fund focusing among others, in investments in technology, digitalization, services, healthcare, consumer goods, food and agribusiness, renewable energy technologies.

DECA Investments Alternative Investments Fund Manager (“AIFM”) has completed the first closing period of Diorama Investments II RAIF, SCA (Diorama II), raising funds of €158 million. DECA is an Alternative Investments Fund Manager (“AIFM”) regulated by the Hellenic Capital Markets Committee.

The investment cycle of Diorama II will last 5-6 years, as was the case with Diorama I and may also lead to a double-digit number of investments.

Diorama II has 12 months to raise further funds until the final disposal period. DECA Investments expects that after the final period of disposal the funds of Diorama II will exceed EUR 200 million. euro.

The sectors in which Diorama II will invest  will be similar to the ones as in Diorama I, i.e. tourism, food, technology, business services, industry, pharmaceuticals, energy, etc.