A.S. Papadimitriou & Partners
A.S. Papadimitriou & Partners

— A dynamic team of motivated business lawyers with extensive experience and high level education.

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2nd Family Business Summit


Our partners Alexander Dovles and Dimitra Passiou participated as speakers in the 2nd Family Business Summit, which was held on Wednesday 14th December, at Divani Caravel Hotel by CLEON Conferences & Communications Conferences.

Alexander emphasized the necessity to take early measures to avoid disputes in the family business, which may lead to even to catastrophic consequences. In this context he presented the idea of a Family Constitution, a written document which establishes a set of rules and in turn illustrates the family's core values, strategy and corporate governance for a family business.

The focus of Dimitra’s presentation was about the “Family Offices”, which have recently been introduced by the Law 4778/2021. Dimitra presented the scope of the legal framework, their business purpose, the nature of the services to be provided by the family offices as well as their tax treatment.

Alexander's presentation is available in Greek. 

Dimitra's presentation is available in Greek.